The Worst Grocery Store Foods for Toxic Residue

5 minute read

Washing Produce in Sink

When we think of grocery shopping, 我们通常认为我们带回家的十大彩票网赌平台是安全的. However, 现实情况是,许多杂货店的食物含有有毒残留物,会对我们的健康和我们所爱的人的幸福构成严重威胁, including our furry friends.

众所周知,新鲜农十大彩票网赌平台通常会被涂上杀虫剂和除草剂, 污染的范围远远超出了农十大彩票网赌平台部分. Surprisingly, 即使是罐头食品和儿童谷物等看似无害的食品也可能被有害化合物污染, regardless of the brand’s reputation.

In this blog, 我们深入研究了杂货店食品中有毒残留物的令人不安的事实, exposing the worst offenders that demand our attention. 继续往下读,你会发现为了更安全、更健康的购物体验,你需要知道什么才能做出明智的选择.

Fruits & Vegetables

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) recently published the 2023 edition of its Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce. That guide, updated annually, includes test results from 46,来自美国各地的46种水果和蔬菜的000多个样本. EWG’s team buys produce from ordinary grocery stores, then tests it for toxic compounds linked to health problems.


  • Strawberries
  • Spinach
  • Kale, collard, and mustard greens
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Nectarines
  • Apples
  • Grapes
  • Bell and hot peppers
  • Cherries
  • Blueberries
  • Green beans

Amazingly, 超过90%的水果和蔬菜检测出两种或两种以上的农药残留. 在上述12种水果和蔬菜中发现了210种不同类型的农药. 一些单独的水果和蔬菜在一次采集的样本中含有10到23种农药!

The EWG also published its “Clean Fifteen,,其中包括有毒残留物含量最低的十大彩票网赌平台. The Clean Fifteen list included avocadoes, sweet corn, pineapple, onions, papaya, frozen sweet peas, asparagus, honeydew melon, kiwi, cabbage, mushrooms, mangoes, sweet potatoes, watermelon, and carrots.

Pro Tip: Soak fruits and vegetables in ECOS Fruit + Veggie Wash to remove dirt, wax, and other debris. 以醋为有效成分去除残留物, ECOS Fruit + Veggie Wash is made without phthalates, dyes, parabens, and phosphates.

Cleaning Vegetables with Fruit and Veggie Wash

Certain Types of Fish

You may have heard about mercury in fish. 这是真的:某些鱼类的汞含量不健康. Because of bioaccumulation, 在到达你的盘子之前,这些鱼通过食物链就已经富含汞了.

根据华盛顿州卫生部的健康鱼类指南, some people (like pregnant women, nursing mothers, 幼儿)应避免食用下列鱼类,因为它们含有汞和其他毒素:

  • Mackerel (king)
  • Marlin (imported)
  • Swordfish (imported)
  • Tuna steak
  • Bluefin
  • Shark (mako and thresher from California or Hawaii)

Other types of fish are generally considered safe to eat, but you should limit yourself to one serving per week. 这些鱼包括鲑鱼、大比目鱼、龙虾、鲭鱼、安康鱼和金枪鱼.

Mother and Son Baking Together

Children’s Cereal

Many children eat cereal daily. However, 令人惊讶的新报告发现,普通儿童谷物中某些毒素的含量令人不安.

According to testing by 环境健康中心和其他机构,许多儿童早餐麦片含有 glyphosate and arsenic:

  • Glyphosate 可能听起来很熟悉,因为它是孟山都农达的活性成分, the country’s most popular weed killer. 它被认为是一种“可能的人类致癌物”或致癌化合物 World Health Organization. Unfortunately, 检测显示70%到93%的美国人尿液样本中含有草甘膦, 在过去的25年里,食物中的草甘膦残留量翻了两番. Children, particularly 1 to 2 year olds, 草甘膦暴露和积聚的风险特别高.
  • Arsenic同时,它是土壤和水中十大赌博官方正规网址存在的物质. 随着作物的生长,有毒金属仍然存在于作物中,进入食物供应. Rice may have a particularly high concentration of arsenic. 以大米为原料的谷物和其他以大米为原料的食品可能含有微量的砷, and those traces could disrupt human growth.
  • Other toxic compounds like BHA, BHT, and artificial food dyes. BHA和BHT通常被FDA认定为安全(GRAS), 这意味着大多数成年人服用正常剂量是安全的. However, some studies have connected BHA and BHT to cancer and cognitive disorders. 与此同时,人工食用色素也被认为是安全的,但是 some studies 是否将这些化学物质与儿童的发育问题联系起来.

我们的内分泌系统负责调节身体产生的激素,这些激素是许多生物过程所必需的. 改吃有机早餐和有机麦片会有所帮助.

Grocery Store Receipts


A recent study found 93% of tested receipts contained levels of toxins like BPA or BPS. That’s a significant increase from a similar test in 2010, 大约一半的测试收据含有相同的毒素.

BPA和BPS被认为是内分泌干扰物质,简称EDCs. 它们与健康问题、十大彩票网赌平台风险增加和其他风险有关.

Some grocery stores have taken action. 下次你去杂货店的时候,拒绝收据或者要求电子收据.

Kid Cleaning Apples With Organic Fruit and Veggie Wash

Plastic Food Containers

PFAS 其他有害的“永久化学物质”会污染塑料食品容器.

塑料容器中可能含有微量的这些物质. 然而,随着时间的推移,它们会在你体内积累,这就是为什么它们被称为“永远的化学物质”.” Your body struggles to get rid of them.

PFAS物质是一组大约9000种化合物,用于许多类型的制造业. 它们与十大彩票网赌平台、出生缺陷、疾病和疾病有关. 它们也存在于食物和水供应、塑料容器等中.

Plastic companies treat containers with fluorine gas, 在塑料容器上有效地涂上PFAS以延长使用寿命. Today, we’re increasingly discovering the health risks.

考虑使用玻璃容器或其他可重复使用的包装来包装你的食物. 你无法控制所有的PFAS暴露,但你可以控制一部分.


In a world filled with harmful substances, 重要的是要承认,完全避免几乎是不可能的. However, 我们有能力通过有意识的购物习惯来减少暴露和最小化相关风险. At ECOS, 我们致力于通过使用更安全的成分,提供优先考虑安全性和有效性的家用清洁剂.

Small changes can have a significant impact on our well-being. Empower yourself with knowledge, take action, 让我们创造一个安全与功效齐头并进的世界.