新父母问孩子的4个问题 & 清洁



初为父母的人,不了解一切也没关系. If you‘ve been calling up mom with questions about whether or not you should rinse your baby’s clothes in vinegar and baking soda, 你不是唯一一个!

根据一项调查, the average American new parent Googles information six times a day–that’s over 2,每年有5000个与婴儿有关的问题!1 ECOS is ready to take a few of those questions off your list with these helpful things to know about washing your baby’s clothes, 保持他们的东西干净, 你的整个家也更安全,更健康!

Should I wash my baby’s clothing separately?

Parents, when it comes to this question, the answer truly is up to you. Taking extra care washing your baby’s clothing is an investment in their overall well-being. Babies are especially sensitive to harsh ingredients, and their skin can absorb toxins and chemicals that are found in conventional detergents.

我们明白了. Doing extra loads of laundry creates more time and work for you. Here are some reasons why doing a baby-only load may make sense for you 2:

  1. 正如我们之前提到的, your baby’s sensitive skin – harsh ingredients in some detergents can irritate your baby’s sensitive skin.
  2. 你用了味道浓烈的洗衣粉.
  3. Your baby goes through A LOT of clothing and linens throughout the day.
  4. 你家里有人和化学品打交道.
  5. 你的宠物会掉毛.

If you feel 就像 doing an extra load of laundry each day is simply not feasible for you, what we suggest is switching the entire household to a laundry detergent that’s great for babies and the whole family. Your baby will eventually come into contact with your clothing and other linens in the home. Cuddling, swaddling, laying on your bed, or tummy time on the throw rug. Opt to wash these items in a laundry detergent that’s made without dyes and fragrances and gentle on sensitive skin, 就像 ECOS免费 & 清洁低过敏性洗衣粉.

If you need more helpful tips on washing your baby’s clothes, 阅读我们的指南 在ECOS博客中!



Whether you are on Team Once a Day or Team Once a Week, there is no right or wrong amount of times to wash your baby’s clothing!

What we do recommend is to pre-wash all your baby’s new clothing before they wear them. You may be thinking the clothes are already clean, but pre-washing them in a 更安全,低过敏性洗衣粉 can help to eliminate any potential toxins or germs clinging to the fabric from the factory.

There are pros and cons to washing your baby’s clothing once a day or once a week. Once a day may be easier with smaller separate loads using laundry detergent for babies. Babies can go through several outfit changes throughout the day, 如果你用的是布尿布, 这些真的会堆积起来! Washing your baby’s clothes once a day will leave you with fresh outfits, 尿布, 亚麻制品每天都准备好了! 缺点是每天都要洗衣服! Not all parents have easy access to a washer and dryer, so going to a laundromat daily isn’t a feasible option.

Washing weekly eliminates doing laundry every day and allows you to schedule and tackle not just your baby’s laundry but the entire household’s. With stubborn stains on baby clothes, now you have more time to pre-soak! ECOS OxoBrite多用途去污剂 is a powerful mineral-based formula that lifts stains, brightens colors, and whitens whites. 它也是一种比漂白剂更安全的替代品!

Read up on more washing tips and how to eliminate pesky stubborn stains in our 如何去除婴儿衣服上的污渍!


Can I use regular hand soap to wash my baby’s hands?

Washing your baby’s hands is a healthy habit to start early on. Think about it: even if your baby isn’t handling crayons just yet, they are practicing those tactile motor skills and putting those adorable germ-carrying fingers into their mouths.

就像使用更安全的洗衣粉一样, using a hand soap that contains all the good stuff 就像 natural antioxidants and Vitamin E is the safer choice for your baby!

用洗手液给宝宝洗手 ECOS低过敏性洗手皂 and follow the CDC’s five steps for handwashing 3!

  1. 用干净的自来水把你的手弄湿. 关掉水龙头,涂上洗手液.
  2. 在他们的手上(和你的手上)涂上泡沫!通过相互摩擦.
  3. Scrub your baby’s hands for at least 20 seconds.
  4. Rinse off their hands under clean, running water.
  5. Dry their hands in a lint-free clean towel or let them air dry.

How should I clean my baby’s toys and other things?

Washing your baby’s clothing isn’t the only thing that needs attention! 婴儿嘴里的东西. It’s how they begin to develop and explore the world.4 Some of their favorite things to put in their mouth (aside from their fingers!是他们的玩具吗?!

So what is the best way to clean your baby’s toys? We compiled a list of methods that you can use on water-safe and heat-safe toys!

  1. Wash stuffed toys in the washing machine with safer ECOS Hypoallergenic 洗衣 Detergent!
  2. Scrub your baby’s toys with warm and soapy water! You can use gentle but effective liquid soap 就像 our ECOS低过敏性洗碗皂!
  3. 用沸水清洗玩具.
  4. 把婴儿玩具扔到洗碗机里!

But what about electronics and wooden toys, and regular disinfecting? We’ve got you covered with a helpful and thorough list in our How to Clean Baby Toys: 6 Eco-Conscious Tips blog!



These tips are here to help, not give you additional to-dos on your already long list! We’re committed to providing new parents with 更安全的清洁十大彩票网赌平台 to help make washing your baby’s clothes, toys, and little fingers simple and easy.


  1. 凹凸. These Are the Top Baby-Related Questions Parents Search for on Google.
  2. 妈妈的最爱. 如何洗婴儿衣服.
  3. 疾病预防控制中心. 洗手:厨房里的健康习惯.
    http://www.Center for Disease Control and Prevention.gov/handwashing/handwashing-kitchen.html
  4. Healthline. 婴儿口齿不正- A.K.A. Why Do Babies Put Everything in Their Mouths?